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File Name: ReSource DemoPlantUnit |Caption: First draft of the sorting machine. | Copyright Credit: LSA – ReSoURCE download
File Name: PR221006_SNeuhold-RHIMagnesita.jpg | Copyright Credit: ReSoURCE – RHIMagnesita download
File Name: PR221006_RHIMagnesita | Copyright Credit: ReSoURCE – RHI Magnesita download
File Name: PR220824_SNeuhold-RHIMagnesita_1 | Copyright Credit: RHI Magnesita download
File Name: PR220824_SNeuhold-RHIMagnesita_2 | Copyright Credit: ReSoURCE – RHI Magnesita download
ReSoURCE Info graphic
File Name: ReSoURCE Info graphic. | Copyright Credit: ReSoURCE -RHI Magnesita download
File name: PR230109 ReSoURCE LSA | Caption: The project uses Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) to sort out components in refractory materials. The bright spots in the picture show the energy generated by the laser to facilitate element mapping. | Copyright Credit: ReSoURCE – LSA download
File name: PR230109 ReSoURCE SINTEF | Caption: Refractory samples after preliminary sorting at SINTEF. | Copyright Credit: ReSoURCE – SINTEF download
Visible scattered light from the 532nm laser output of a laser in the laboratory of InnoLas Laser GmbH in Krailling. | © InnoLas Laser GmbH. download
Experts from nine European companies and institutes are cooperating in the ReSoURCE project. Together, they are dedicated to the development of sustainable recycling solutions for refractory materials. | @RHI Magnesita download
Gebrauchte Feuerfestmaterialien werden mit Laser-Messungen erkannt und CO₂-sparend wiederverwendet. | @Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen. download
Use of used refractories in percent. Combining the latest analysis technology with state-of-the-art software, the research partners are increasing the potential recycling rate. | @RHI Magnesita – Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen download
Phönix Award group picture download
Technical coordinator, Alexander Leitner receives the Phönix download
RHI Magnesita and Montanuniversität team members at the award ceremony. download
ReSoURCE presented at the Austrian Waste Management conference 2024 download