About us
Funded by EU Horizon program and led by RHI Magnesita, the 4-year “Refractory Sorting Using Revolutionizing Classification Equipment” (ReSoURCE) project aims to ensure the green and digital transformation of the refractory recycling value chain.
The initiative will innovate the full process chain with an AI-supported multi sensor sorting equipment as its core technology. Combining laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, hyper spectral imaging with optimised pre-processing and automated ejection will lay the foundation to set a new state of the art for refractory sorting starting of particle sizes down to below 1 mm.

The ultimate project target is to develop automated sorting solutions for refractories with the following features:
- High reliability and robustness
- Handling of entire breakout, including fines
- Highest sorting accuracy for spent refractories
- Mobile character to enable local sorting at customers
- Approved sustainability benefits by Lifetime Cycle Assessment (LCE)
- Enable material usage for alternative products
The project has received significant funding from the European Commission, totalling EUR 6 million. The overall ReSoURCE budget is EUR 8.5 million, including contributions from the consortium – internationally renowned partners from the fields of research and industry.
The project partners are:
- RHI Magnesita: https://www.rhimagnesita.com/
- LSA – Laser Analytical Systems & Automation GmbH: http://www.lsa-systems.de/en/
- InnoLas Laser GmbH: https://www.innolas-laser.com/
- Norsk Elektro Optikk AS: https://neo.no/home
- Fraunhofer ILT Institute for Laser Technology: https://www.ilt.fraunhofer.de/en.html
- Montanuniversität Leoben: https://www.unileoben.ac.at/
- SINTEF AS: https://www.sintef.no/en/
- CPI Centre for Process Innovation Ltd: https://www.uk-cpi.com/
- Crowdhelix Ltd: https://network.crowdhelix.com/