Award Nomination: ReSoURCE project nominated for the PHÖNIX – Abfallwirtschaftspreis

ReSoURCE - Refractory Recycling Research - Social Media Channels

We are very excited to announce that the ReSoURCE project has been nominated for the the PHÖNIX – Abfallwirtschaftspreis, which will be awarded during the Austrian Waste Management Conference 2024 (ÖSTERREICHISCHE ABFALLWIRTSCHAFTSTAGUNG 2024in Vienna next week!

The Austrian Waste Management Conference 2024 (AWT) in Vienna is being held by the Austrian Water- and Waste Management Association (ÖWAV) in cooperation with the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK), MA 48/City of Vienna and Wien Energie GmbH. It is a varied and informative event, that gathers over 400 experts. Policymakers, industry professionals, and academics convene to network, exchange ideas, discuss innovations, challenges, and progress towards the circular economy.

On behalf of ReSoURCE and RHI Magnesita, Alexander Leitner and Simone Neuhold were invited to give a presentation.

“We are very happy to present RHI Magnesita´s innovative solutions and implementations for a sustainable future and share highlights of the ReSoURCE project!” – Simone Neuhold

Stay tuned for more!

Sofia Iriarte
